Case Studies | Tunley Environmental

Crown Gas & Power Case Study With Tunley

Written by Tunley Environmental | 27 Aug 2024


Crown Gas & Power Case Study

Crown gas & Power are an award-winning business energy supplier renowned for their customer service and innovative products such as 10%, 25%, 50%, and 100% biogas. Their extensive experience enables their in-house Siteworks team to provide gas, electricity and water connections, including service alterations, smart upgrades and supply disconnections. 

The partnership between Tunley Environmental and Crown Gas & Power came to fruition when they were looking for ways they could improve the environmental impacts of their operations. Being unable to touch the end product they supply to consumers, they started looking into the environmental impacts of their organisation as a whole. Looking at ways they can have a data-driven baseline and plan in improvements to become an environmentally conscious organisation. Carbon Reduction Scientist Heather Flanagan carried out a Net Zero Assessment, providing them with a roadmap to net zero carbon and 3rd party verification to PAS 2060

The process to ensure Crown Gas & Power had their next steps as a clear outline, Tunley went ahead and assessed all of their Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions that were relevant to their business activities, producing a roadmap to net zero as the final outcome. In the reporting year, we found that Crown Gas & Power's emissions of all 3 scopes were 400 tCO2e, with them now working on ways in which they can reduce their Scope 1 and 2 emissions to zero. By implementing steps to reducing their carbon emissions in Scope 1 and 2, it means they are able to eventually reduce their overall emissions by 72% by the year 2030. 

From this assessment, Jen Wilson at Crown Gas & Power explains that the assessment has allowed them to claim operational carbon neutrality in accordance with the PAS 260 standard. As well as giving them the ability to implement next steps through a formalised ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. This assessment has given Crown Gas & Power a solid baseline from which they can understand their organisational emissions and ways in which they need to improve and develop to achieve next steps.

It has been a pleasure helping Crown Gas & Power through this assessment and to see that they can be transparent with their customers on their environmental impacts and really shout about the great improvements they are making on their journey to net zero.