White Papers | Tunley Environmental

Black Soldier Fly Larvae & their Potential to Replace Palm Oil

Written by Dr Gareth Davies | 27 Jan 2025

Gotta Get Them Bugs: Black Soldier Fly Lavae and Their Potential to Replace Palm Oil

Dr Tara Garraty and Dr Gareth Davies have written the latest white paper on the potential of black solider fly larvae and their potential to replace palm oil. Read the abstract and download the white paper below.


Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) offer a sustainable alternative to convert waste products into oils within built up industrial areas. This study explore the potential of BSFL oil to replace palm oil as a representative vegetable oil. Palm oil production drives significant biodiversity loss through deforestation and habitat destruction. The authors appreciate that there are significant social and economic realities of palm oil agriculture which are beyond the capacity of this article. Instead, only delving into technological feasibility and effect on biodiversity.

This white paper is also featured on the British Ecological Society's website under their Applied Ecology Resources.