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Funmi Tijani6 Mar 20251 min read

NewsByWire: Can We Replace Palm Oil?

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Can We Replace Palm Oil? New Whitepaper Says Yes!

Sustainability scientists from Tunley Environmental have released a new whitepaper, “Gotta Get Them Bugs – Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Their Potential to Replace Palm Oil,” authored by Dr Gareth Davies and Dr Tara Garraty.

This publication explores the potential of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) oil as a sustainable alternative to palm oil, a commodity linked to large-scale deforestation, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation. Despite efforts to implement sustainable palm oil certifications, the industry continues to put pressure on tropical ecosystems, and demand is only expected to grow. Eco-friendly alternatives are urgently needed to reduce the environmental impact of vegetable oil production while maintaining global supply chains.

BSFL are known for their ability to digest organic waste, converting it into valuable resources such as proteins and lipids. The oil extracted from BSFL has a comparable triglyceride profile to palm oil, making it a promising alternative for use in food products, personal care items and industrial applications. Unlike palm oil plantations, BSFL farming requires significantly less land and can be conducted in controlled environments.

Co-author Dr Gareth Davies said, “Our research highlights the enormous potential of Black Soldier Fly Larvae as a sustainable oil source. This whitepaper provides a scientific and practical foundation for industries looking to transition towards more sustainable raw materials.”

This study also examines the necessary refinement processes to optimise BSFL oil for industrial use. While social and economic challenges associated with palm oil production remain a complex issue, this paper focuses on BSFL as a scientifically viable alternative with the potential to reshape industries reliant on vegetable oils.

Download the whitepaper

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