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EcoWater Assessment and Global Water Security | Tunley Environmental

Written by Tunley Environmental | 29 Aug 2024

Water security is a pressing global concern that affects millions of lives worldwide. As water scarcity becomes more prevalent due to climate change and population growth, the need for effective water risk assessment tools has never been greater. Additionally, as it is currently World Water Week, the global event dedicated to discussing water-related challenges and solutions, the focus on water security becomes even more urgent. World Water Week emphasises the need for collective action to safeguard water resources for future generations. For businesses, this means taking proactive steps to assess and reduce their water footprints, ensuring their operations do not contribute to global water stress. Tunley Environmental’s EcoWater Resource Assessment is a powerful solution that offers organisations a comprehensive approach to evaluating their direct and indirect water usage and the impact their activities have on local water resources. Designed by our PhD-qualified sustainability specialists in according with internationally recognised standards, this assessment enables companies to measure and reduce their impact on global water resources.

Related Insight: EcoWater Resource Assessment Explained

The Current State of Global Water Security

Water is one of the most vital resources on our planet, essential for sustaining life this is obvious. What is less obvious is that water is also essential for many industries that drive our global economy. However, with increasing population growth, industrialisation and climate change, water scarcity has become a pressing issue. The global water security situation presents a critical challenge, with a significant portion of the Earth’s population facing water insecurity. According to a UN assessment, 78% of the global population (6.1 billion people) currently live in waterinsecure countries. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for action to address water scarcity and management issues worldwide.

The statistics don’t get any better from here on in. An estimated Four billion people experience severe water scarcity for at least one month each year. Almost half of the population of the planet concerned over not having enough water to drink or bathe in for one a month a year. It is challenging to envision in this in a developed country where limitless clean water is available on tap. The impact of water scarcity is particularly severe on women and children, often responsible for water collection. Thereby limiting their educational opportunities and exposing them to safety risks. Transboundary water resources further complicate the water security landscape. These shared water bodies, accounting for 60% of the world's freshwater flows and require international cooperation for effective management. However, cooperation is typically lacking in most countries,with transboundary basin areas not covered by operational arrangements. This lack of cooperation can lead to overexploitation and pollution of shared water resources, jeopardising ecosystem services across borders.

The concept of a "water footprint" has emerged as a partial metric for understanding and managing water use and consumption. A water footprint measures the total volume of direct and indirect freshwater used and consumed by an individual, community, business, or process. Direct water usage is water consumed directly such as a hose used to water a garden. indirect water usage is the direct water used in the creation of goods and services such as the watering of crops to produce foods and clothing. The distinction of direct and indirect water footprinting enables the identification of water conservation activities to be targeted to the most effective approach. Additionally, any unsustainable water use which would lead to negative consequences can be identified. For industries operating in water-scarce regions, reducing their water footprint is not just an environmental responsibility but also a business imperative as their organisation may crumble with dwindling water resources available.

Related Insight: How Water Consumption Analysis Contributes to Sustainability Goals

EcoWater Resource Assessment Techniques

The EcoWater Resource Assessment is a comprehensive service designed to help companies understand their water footprint and develop strategies to reduce it. This assessment goes beyond simple water audits; it provides a detailed analysis of a company’s water use, identifies risks and offers tailored solutions for improving water efficiency and reducing waste.

Key Features of the EcoWater Resource Assessment:

Comprehensive Water Footprint Analysis: The assessment begins with a thorough analysis of the company’s water use across all operations and supply chains. This includes identifying the blue, green and grey water footprints and highlighting areas where water use is the most inefficient.

Risk Identification and Mitigation: Water scarcity and quality issues can pose significant risks to business operations. The assessment identifies these risks and provides actionable recommendations to mitigate against them. This might involve finding alternative water sources, improving water reuse and recycling, or investing in more waterefficient technologies.

Tailored Water Reduction Strategies: Based on the assessment findings, our sustainability scientist will develop customised strategies to help businesses reduce their water footprint. These strategies are designed to be practical and aligned with the company’s operational goals, ensuring that water conservation efforts do not compromise productivity or profitability.

Supply Chain Water Management: Many companies overlook the water used in their supply chains, yet this can represent a significant portion of their overall water footprint. The assessment extends to supply chain analysis, helping businesses engage with suppliers to improve water use throughout their supply chain.

Monitoring and Reporting: Effective water management requires ongoing monitoring and reporting. Tunley Environmental provides tools and support for businesses to enable them to track their water use over time. Measuring the effectiveness of their water reduction strategies and reporting the progress to stakeholders.

Tackling Water Insecurity with the EcoWater Resource Assessment

The theme for the 2024 World Water Week is Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future. This year’s theme centres on asking stakeholders to recognise the global connectivity of communities and nations as a major part of the collaborative effort needed to successfully tackle water insecurity. Businesses have a role to play in this challenge, as water availability is increasingly becoming a limiting factor for growth and development in many regions. When companies take the time to understand and manage their water usage, they can lessen their environmental impact and make their operations more sustainable.  

However, addressing water use is not straightforward. It requires a deep understanding of where and how water is used within a company’s operations and supply chains. Moreover, businesses need to consider the local communities across their supply chain, as water availability and quality varies significantly across regions. The EcoWater Resource Assessment is designed to help companies better understand and manage their water usage and realise several benefits, including:

  • Cost Savings: Improved water efficiency often leads to significant cost savings, particularly in industries where water use is high or where water is becoming more expensive.
  • Regulatory Compliance: As governments introduce stricter water regulations, businesses that proactively manage their water use will be better positioned to comply and avoid penalties.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Consumers and investors are increasingly looking for companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. By reducing their water footprint, businesses can enhance their reputation and attract environmentally conscious customers and partners.
  • Resilience to Water Risks: By understanding and mitigating water-related risks, businesses can ensure continuity of operations even in regions facing water scarcity or quality issues.
The Bottom Line

Businesses that prioritise water conservation now are likely to see improvements in efficiency, reduced costs and cleaner water being used on their sites. Understanding and managing water footprints is a critical component of this effort. Tunley Environmental’s EcoWater Resource Assessment provides companies with the insights and tools they need to reduce their impact on global water resources, ensuring that their operations are sustainable in the face of growing water challenges. Learn more about your organisation’s water consumption levels and how you can best manage it for improved productivity here.